Danifer.com SiteShare Revenue Sharing

Veterinaryhelp.net is one of our fantastic SiteShare partner sites. It’s authored by a close friend of mine who is just a wealth of information on all things veterinary. Hers is one of my favorite sites simply because it’s one of the first in what will soon be a large network of niche-market content sites. It’s great for the author because she has the means to produce really valuable content in her everyday activities, and now can use that same content to produce articles that will generate an income for her for the lifetime of the website.

Let me repeat that: The lifetime of the website. She earns money for the lifetime of the website. As long as I can make her work produce income, she makes money.

Imagine yourself, working at your chosen profession, dishing out valuable advice to clients, co-workers, friends, etc. Now, if those ideas were valuable enough to doll out to those around you, what’s stopping you from taking that extra step putting pen to paper or fingers to the keys and turning your idea into an article that will generate income day after day, year after year with no additional effort on your part?

Here are some numbers just to give you an idea of the moneymaking potential:

Let’s say you write one article a week for five weeks on public speaking for a public speaking website. In the first month you average .53 cents a day because your topics provided some unique insight into public speaking that hadn’t really been addressed by other public speaking websites in the past. In your first month you would earn $8.95. Now, let’s take a look at what would happen in a year with a measly 3% growth in traffic to your website (3% is an extremely low growth rate especially if you’re adding a new article every week).

With a growth rate of 3% you would earn $112.83 in your first year. In the second year another $160.86. In the third, $229.35. In three years time you would earn $503.04. That’s $100.61 per article. Not bad.

Let’s not stop there. Remember, you’re going to get a check every month your articles make money for the lifetime of the site. If your five articles are still on the internet ten years from now with the same rate of growth and earnings potential, you’ll have earned $8923.88. Stop and take a look at that number again. Now what would happen if you put a little effort into it to improve your growth rate?

4% = $21,776.58
5% = $55,283.11

The math on this makes sense. I have one site that I started in 2004 and made $120.35. in 2005 it was over $6,000. As of today, I’m halfway to my 2006 projected earnings of $9,000. Do I post to it regularly? Yes. Do I add relevant content that people come back time after time to read about? Yes. Is it fun and easy? Yes.

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