Finally Official

It’s finally official. I’ve quit my day job to pursue the Danifer Web Services full time. It’s been so successful for the last two and a half years that Jamie and I have decided to quit working for the man and start building something for ourselves.

We’re both really scared at taking the plunge but just feel like it’s the right thing to do, simply because we both want to be rich – really rich. Rich enough to not have to worry about how much things cost or to let it stand in our way when we want to go and do. Yacht in Greece and summer in Europe rich.

So how do we get rich? It’s certainly not by working for someone else. When you sit back and think about it, having a nice hourly wage or a salary you can count on is a great thing – especially if it comes with perks like stock options or healthcare. The problem is that you’re capped for life. There’s a ceiling to how much you can make over the course of your lifetime. Even with regular promotions and advancement, you’ll still always make the guy above your richer than you’ll be yourself. It works great for lots of people, but I want to at least try to be the guy on top.

Failure is definitely an option here. The business model may be flawed, or I might turn out to be a really lazy person when I don’t punch a clock. We could have some terrible family tragedy (god forbid) that lands us in a financial situation that the business could not support. All of these are possibilities and I’m not going to ignore them. The key I keep focusing on is that Jamie is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met and I have a lot of faith and confidence in myself as well.

I firmly believe that anything we put our minds to and pour our effort into can’t help but achieve at least some measure of success.

With that in mind, wish us luck and check back to see how it’s going. Feel free to send business my way or just drop me a line to chat.


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