
Today was a good day. Even though I spent the bulk of the afternoon watching the baby while the wife was at the dentist and all of the evening tending to both, the websites still made good money that was well diversified. There were earnings from:

  • Pay per click ads (about 25%),
  • Affiliate sales (about 10%),
  • and product sales (about 65%)

I’d like to work on increasing the affiliate sales to a around 20-25% if at all possible and see if I can’t figure out another income source so I have four that I can rely on. I’m leaning toward selling text links, but I haven’t gone any further on the research. The problem I’m facing with the affiliate sales is that most of my sites don’t lend themselves well to selling an affiliate product. Any suggestions?

Some of today’s earnings came directly from the traffic I’ve been working so hard to build over the last few days. I’m reminded of the old days when I used to campaign daily for 1km1kt.net and the fantastic results that yielded. Now that it’s my full time job I see no reason not to continue in that vein.

Part of the traffic from today came from one of my new playgrounds at http://earnersforum.com. I like both the theme and the name which reminds me of the movie Glengary, Glen Ross where Jack Lemmon plays the pitiful salesman and Al Pacino is the shark. Not only is it a good way for me to build traffic, but I got at least one good article idea out of it already for howtoadvertise.net.

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